Showing posts with label Did you know. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did you know. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2013

"Internet addiction" disrupts the performance of neurons in the brain links

“إدمان الإنترنت” يعطل أداء الروابط العصبية بالمخ

A recent medical study showed that people who suffer what is known as the phenomenon of "Internet addiction" special teens are most likely to suffer from crashes and impaired neurological brain links, in addition to the exposure of the "white matter" in the brain to abnormal changes.

He explained, "Jonathan Wallis" Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of California and the supervisor of the development of research it is still not clear whether these negative changes that occur on the links brain neurons caused by addiction to the internet or by factors other neurological, where they remain to this theory debated and discussed among many of scientists at the time in which it did not reach many of the medical research conducted in this regard to an effective treatment for Internet addiction in light of conflicting diagnosis.

This comes at a time that sees a lot of researchers and doctors Neurosurgery validity and accuracy of research in this regard, as the brain areas under study are the same regions responsible for addiction and Alslukiata which increases the activity when you spend person for long hours in front of the Internet, according to the report published by news agency Middle East. "

The researchers have done by subjecting about 17 adult volunteers and Internet addicts X-ray CT of the brain, and who suffered from depression and irritable, and have sought various ways to quit Internet addiction and stay for long hours in front of the computer did not succeed.
The CT scan image to the presence of varying differences in the white matter of the brain to the Internet addicts, compared to persons who do not suffer from this negative habit, which may cause a malfunction in the functions of neurons in the brain links.

Did you know mixing milk tea damage?

Did you know mixing milk tea damage?

Do not mix milk tea
A German study has found that adding milk to tea can reduce the advantages of tea and the protective effect against heart disease. The researchers explained that drinking tea helps traffic arteries to expand and relax allowing the well to keep the blood pressure, and the proteins it contains milk, which claim Eazenat have the opposite effect to the impact of tea. The researcher in biology and participate in the study, Dr. Mario Lorenz drinking tea increases significantly the ability of the arteries to relax and expand to accommodate greater blood flow compared with drinking water, but the addition of milk completely prevents the biological effect. The results of the study showed that the molecules in tea

Claims 'Katychenz' helps expand arteries Ptullidha a chemical called Nitric Oxide but molecules in milk prevent Alkatychenz of fabricating generate Nitric Oxide This study guide patients to what they need to do is not to add milk to tea and tea is considered the most important antioxidant, shows clearly in the countries that abound of tea drinking low incidence of heart disease, doctors recommend adding lemon instead of milk or stones to tea

Did you know the common causes of anorexia?

Did you know the common causes of anorexia?

Often occurs as a result of anorexia feeling bored, loneliness, or depression.

However, there are other reasons should be put in mind:

• medication can cause slight nausea or loss of appetite, and can solve the problem by changing the dose or switch to another medication, ask your doctor's advice.

• can cause chronic disease has not been diagnosed with a loss of appetite, and if there is no other explanation, ask your doctor whether there is a need for a thorough medical examination.

• stronger appetite Exercise and Sport, and the elderly who are living the life of an inert are weak Shahytm.

• Dental problems (including inadequate dentures) can make eating order raised frustration, if you suspect that the problem experienced by the teeth may be the reason you lose interest in food, go to the dentist

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Do you know why speak of man he is sleeping?!

Do you know why speak of man he is sleeping?!

Reported a scientific study that talk during sleep usually occurs during the turmoil of transition, ie when it is not moving the body smoothly from one stage of sleep to another stage. Due researchers this matter to several reasons including / tension and intense fear of the issue of what makes the subconscious mind itself is unable toendurance take a cut of this tension is also a mental fatigue and sexual repression, causing to talk during sleep where the brain loses control over some of its parts, which they must rest. study points to the need to reduce the exercise of speech during sleep.